The Space BETWEEN Us Is Sacred
BETWEEN is on a mission to build a global community of sacred human connection.
BETWEEN is a new kind of faith community — focused on the intersection of your faith and human connection.
We are a highly inclusive global community of spiritually driven and faith-inspired people who believe the most sacred space on earth is the space between ourselves and the next person we encounter. Our favorite “church” is the space BETWEEN people, and we invite you to help us build that church in your communities, at coffee shops, at your family dinner tables, with strangers at the grocery store, and in all of your relationships.
What is BETWEEN Trying To Achieve?
Our world is desperately lonely and increasingly disconnected. We can heal our society one sacred conversation at a time.
Millions of people feel spiritually empty in our fast-paced world. We are shining a light on the sacredness of interactions and conversations.
Too many people don’t know how to find a faith community that accepts them. We are inviting people from all backgrounds, faiths, and identities into the simplest “church” on earth.
So much of our life feels surface-level and soulless. We are breathing new life into the daily experiences of millions of lives.
Our society is full of division and separation. We are empowering millions of people all over the globe to spread moments of sacred human connection.
Let’s Reconnect The World.
Our world is far too disconnected. Especially our religious and spiritual world. Let’s reconnect with each other. This is why we started BETWEEN. The very next thing we invite you to do is sign up for our email list. Click here to learn more.
We are far more curious to learn about YOUR beliefs than we are interested in getting you to believe ours.
The BETWEEN community welcomes all. No matter your background. No matter your faith tradition. You are welcome here. We are an affirming community of seekers and believers. We desire a connection with God, the Universe, and with the things that matter most in this world. Our world needs places where people of all beliefs, all political backgrounds, and all points of view can gather together to talk about the important stuff of life. May we connect, may we be inspired by each other, and may we be inspired by our collective potential. When people come together the world gets healthier. Learn more here.
Our Most Recent 5(ish)-Minute Sermon
Watch our latest 5(ish)-Minute Sermon (or read it on Substack). Each Sunday morning BETWEEN releases a very short message of the week. We find inspiration from an ancient spiritual text or concept and offer a brief video sermon about how you can create more moments of sacred human connection in your life. Everything we do at BETWEEN is focused on the intersection of your faith and human connection.
Daily Prayers & Inspiration.
Every day we post a daily prayer (along with a mini devotional) on our @between.church & Today I Pray social media accounts. See our latest posts from Instagram below.
BETWEEN & TODAY I PRAY FOR YOU are trademarks of a not-for-profit organization.
BETWEEN loves volunteers. We run entirely on the strength and hard work of caring volunteers like you. There are small and big ways you can help. Click the button below to let us know you’re ready to help out. Thank you!